In the 1950s and 1960s the idea of Global Warming was first brought to light, and the research of the day was published in a book 'A Moment in the Sun' in 1969/70, it makes for compelling and sometimes difficult reading when you consider the ramification it suggested over forty years ago.
In this modern age, given the tens of thousands of reports written on the state of the environment and the overwhelming evidence that pollution is causing global changes, be it in climate or is social and community living, it comes as quite a surprise that a minority believe the destruction of the planet is a conspiracy theory. It may be wise to view such stances in a cautious manner. The list of scientists backing such a stand is around 1500 across the globe, while the list of scientist siding with the need to deal with environmental issues is closer to 80 000. These figures are estimates as they alter quickly depending on which energy corporation is funding research into climate change.
A comparison to this issue of climate change and global warming will also take the reader back forty years, and this issue had to do with cigarette smoking. For every scientific paper pointing at smoking causing cancer a scientist would stand up and claim it did not. This needs to be noted with scientists in the climate change issue as well. In a quick look at some climate change skeptic experts you will also find the same scientists who went on record as saying smoking did not cause cancer. This seriously brings into question objectivity. One leading skeptic, whose research was sponsored by Philip Morris - Tabacco Company - says his evidence is not influenced by his sponsor. Considering the stance on smoking and cancer, this claim can be comfortably questioned.
The real question around climate change and global warming is not whether man created it or not, though this does seem to be the murkiness skeptics want to draw over the general public's eyes - a distraction method used by every advertising executive ever born - but how we need deal with the future of our slowly crumbling environment.
This small video made in 1992 shows how frusted thios were and how the modern generation of children feel exactly the same way - they have tired of the excuses and tired of the bickering made by wealthy scientists with personal agendas. Yet still we do nothing, still we ignore everything. This girl at 2:04 stops being a child.
Emissions Trading Schemes and Carbon Taxes have been used throughout Europe for the last ten years to great effect. The acid rains of Germany have all but vanished since the cleaning up of its energy production and the forcing of its energy producing power stations to improve and replace high pollution power sources. Opposition to this system have come from the USA, but this can be expected, as most of its energy sector is owned by the very people making public policy; with this knowledge in the open it is hoped the cloudy nature, or the polluted figures and counter positions as shown by the USA find some clarity. It is difficult to follow the lead of a nation like America when the polluters themselves are dictating environmental policy - many can see how such a position can never work.
Australia is now looking at the Carbon Tax system, a system where polluters, in order to save money, will have to change their existing generation technologies to cleaner and more efficient technologies. As expected there is resistance from the corporate sector to any challenge to their commanding market base, but what isn't understood is why the current opposition government is opposed to taxing dirty energy production. Even in an interview the leader of the opposition party said, he would impose no tax and enforce no reduction in greenhouse gases on power generation companies.
The conversation is very clear here.It must be noted here that this same leader did, in a meeting with country people claim quite adamantly 'Climate Change is a Load of Crap'. This in itself rang some alarm bells in people, but for some reason it was under played by media in the country, and on observation the whole opposition stance against cleaning up energy production is mostly ignored.
What will this tax on pollution producing industry mean to Australians? In the short term there will be some price increase in power as the big companies offset their new costs, but they will only be able to offset so much before they are forced to comply with clean energy standards. Already new, clean energy systems are being constructed and in time a shift in power supplies will happen. The current Australian government, seeing how polluters will shift their costs onto users of energy, will subsidize energy supply in their own way to lessen the impact of this shift on energy production. This allows Australians to benefit from this new direction while feeling less of the cost burden and impact.
It would seem, in view of the positive step in the right direction when it comes to reducing pollution that the Australian people would finally see some action on what has been something being called for the last decade.
According to the opposition party and the NEWS media, who it seems are not promoting clean energy - thus the question has to be raised, and there suddenly appears an answer to why media reporting is supporting the skeptics position when it comes to climate change and the need to act against pollution in general, and why the media also seem to be supporting the opposition scare campaign against taxing big business. Rupert Murdoch is a skeptic, he is also, through his papers, a supporter of the opposition Liberal/National party, the same party opposing action on climate change and a move to a cleaner energy producing future.
Though it is a frustrating turn of events, like the smoking lobbies forty year campaign, it might need an actual court ruling to get even the basics done in fighting pollution. In Australia the opposition party is rallying people to march on parliaments around the country to protest against taxing polluters of air and water. Quite an incredulous prospect and one that is akin to what has happened in the USA of late, where laws are under consideration to allow people to shoot abortion performing doctors. The position in Australia is equally nonsensical.
Australians are being angered up to stand against clean energy production; they will march to stand against clean air and clean water. This march being organized by the opposition party in Australia is, in a way, a march against parliament to prove the country is stupid and it will be reported this way around the world. Japan, Germany, France and Scandinavian countries will be quick to have headlines reading 'Stupid Australians Opt for Dirty Air'
In a way, it could be argued Australia will get what it deserves, and what it deserves is not very good at all. The opposition government when it comes to environmental issues has denied there are issues to face. The opposition leader even said there is compelling evidence that says, maybe there is something to look in to -- all the evidence available in the world looking at environmental issues and he manages a maybe. Maybe Australia needs to hit rock bottom, pollute itself to the brink and let people just die so it can come to some understanding of the people's and the corporate control over those people, foolishness.
There exists an opportunity for Australia to break away from its dirty air policies, to escape the control of the current energy providers and their threat to punish the people if they are made to clean up their act - Australians must face the small fact that what the energy sector is doing, with the help of the opposition party, is extorting a negative result on the Carbon Tax. View it this way. ‘If you make us clean up the air, if you make us stop polluting water and the land, we are going to punish you.’
Are Australians really going to accept that position as it is currently being presented? Are Australians really going to mark on parliament demanding their air remains polluted? Are Australians really that easily lead by the desires of corporate power?
If you must march, march for the final step against the big polluters of this country, march to say yes to a tax on pollution; the alternative will mean a poor and sad future for the children to come after who will ask this simple question over and over and over.
Why didn't you do something?
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.....unfortunately most governments including ours in australia suppress technology that does not pollute at all....we supply coal to the rest of the world for profit.....we could supply energy that does not pollute at all....there are countless systems all ready in production not in the mass market.......please research these areas....this is where the change needs to come from....carbon tax allows business to pollute for money....they buy the right to pollute....we dont want any pollution .....and we have the ability to do it....... the above comment....not anonymous
ReplyDeletei have many years of research and links to people with technology that is completely viable and not being used......
.....i am willing to discuss this with anyone who has the sense and intellect to discuss it seriously....not interested in waisting my time either.............
....unfortunately most governments including ours in australia suppress technology that does not pollute at all....we supply coal(plus other fuels) to the rest of the world for profit.....we could supply energy that does not pollute at all....there are countless systems all ready in production not in the mass market.......please research these areas....this is where the change needs to come from....carbon tax allows business to pollute for money....they buy the right to pollute....we dont want any pollution .....and we have the ability to do it.......
"In Australia the opposition party is rallying people to march on parliaments around the country to protest against taxing polluters of air and water."
ReplyDeleteA carbon tax is a tax which will be applied to big polluters, but they simply pass the tax on to Australian customers. So stop saying this will reduce carbon emissions or pollution, it won't, it will simply drive up the cost of everything incrementally, hurting low income people but not the wealthy, and just increases tax revenue. And this theory that it will create jobs in green-technologies is true, it will create jobs, in China. Get a grip, the proposed carbon tax is ideologically driven, and that's all. Cheers.
Due to the invredibli ignorant nature of humans in general, who really doi just look out for number one - I see you annymous number three - you feel the status quo of allowing polluters to contnue forward is prefered instead of stopping this.
ReplyDeleteAs I tend to dewal with all anonymous commentary, if you have no name, no, face, not identity in a free country then perhaps you also have no voice... you are rendered mute because of stupidity. And the grip, is certainly well within your grasp - your money.
For particle - I have been reading a great deal about alternative energies and many show woinderful promise for the future, but all thse new energies set up a personal powerplant system whioch would then feed into the grid. Corporations in the energy sector do not want this type of system; yet in some European (scandinavian) towns household power generation is used in this fashion, thus making power prices for homes close to zero.
ReplyDeleteCan you see why these technologies are not widely promoted? Can you see why Big Business and the mouth piece of these massive companies, the Liberal Party, want to keep us payiong higher and higher prices?
Tear down the wall///
ReplyDeleteFor those that don't know about history, here is one condensed version:
Humans originally existed as members of small bands of nomadic hunters/gatherers. They lived on deer in the mountains during the summer and would go to the coast and live on fish and lobster in the winter.
The two most important events in all of history were the invention of beer and the invention of the wheel. The wheel was invented to get man to the beer. These were the foundation of modern civilization and together were the catalyst for the splitting of humanity into two distinct subgroups:
1 Liberals, and
2 Labor.
Once beer was discovered, it required grain and that was the beginning of agriculture. Neither the glass bottle nor aluminium can were invented yet, so while our early humans were sitting around waiting for them to be invented, they just stayed close to the brewery. That's how villages were formed.
Some men spent their days tracking and killing animals to BBQ at night while they were drinking beer. This was the beginning of what is known as the Liberal movement...
Other men who were weaker and less skilled at hunting learned to live off the Liberals by showing up for the nightly BBQ's and doing the sewing, fetching, and hair dressing. This was the beginning of the Labor movement.
Some of these labor men eventually evolved into women. They became known as girlie-men. Some noteworthy Labor achievements include the domestication of cats, the invention of group therapy, group hugs, and the concept of democratic voting to decide how to divide the meat and beer that the Liberals provided.
Modern Laborites and Union leaders like imported beer (with lime added), but most prefer white wine or imported bottled water. They eat raw fish but like their beef well done. Sushi, tofu, and French food are standard Labor fare. Another interesting evolutionary side note: most of their women have higher testosterone levels than their men. Most social workers, personal injury lawyers, journalists, ABC staff and group therapists are Laborites.
Liberals drink domestic beer, mostly Carlton or XXXX. They eat red meat and still provide for their women. Liberals are big game hunters, rodeo cowboys, lumberjacks, construction workers, firemen, medical doctors, police officers, engineers, corporate executives, athletes, members of the military, airline pilots and generally anyone who works productively. Liberals who own companies hire other Liberals who want to work for a living.
Laborites produce little or nothing. They like to govern the producers and decide what to do with the production. That is why most of the Laborites created a business of trying to get more for nothing.
Here ends today's lesson in world history:
It should be noted that a Laborite may have a momentary urge to angrily respond to the above before forwarding it.
A Liberal will simply laugh and be so convinced of the absolute truth of this history that it will be forwarded immediately to other true believers and to more Laborites just to piss them off.
And there you have it. Let your next action reveal your true self, I'm going to have another beer!